After a very busy holiday season, January has been a welcome relief. We celebrated a wonderful WHITE! Christmas here in Dallas. Grandma Stevens visited and it was nice to have her as our guest. The kids were thrilled with snow to play in and keep praying for more. I had an "inner" nose job on December 15th to help with some sinus issues. I can honestly say that post surgery, I was the most uncomfortable I have ever been and the recovery was completely suckish. At this point, I am almost completely healed and sooooo happy to be able to breath again. Hurray for unblocked sinus passages! The gifts that keep on giving!! The jewelry businees was awesome this season and I'd like to send out a big THANK YOU to all of my new and loyal customers.
I don't have much going on right now besides the usual and that's soooo nice. Aidyn is busy with Basketball and Jiu-Jitsu, Addy is still playing volleyball, and Avery has started a Jazz/Hip-hop class with spring soccer right around the corner. John has enjoyed a productive hunting season and our freezer is stocked with lots of good eats. Both him and Aidyn head out to the lease a few times a month and love the time they get to spend out there together. Tis the season to catch up on scrapbooking!! Have a great 2010 everyone!