
Saturday, September 12, 2009


I just wanted to post a big, heart felt, sincere thank you to all the protestors that marched on Washington this morning to protest the Obama health care reform plan and deficit spending crisis our nation faces. Thank you for your bravery, for giving of your time and resources, and for speaking for the silent majority. You are my heroes!!!!


Nana Bev said...

AMEN to this!!
I have never participated in one personally but will be NOW!!

Our country is in a very scary place right now and it needs more than these tea parties although these are great!

All these great tea parties need to get on our knees and send up prayers on behalf of our countries future.That would sure hurt send a message to Satan. PRAYER is our most powerful weapon!!

valerie said...

Hey Amy,

Home from church today with a sicky..Totally agree with your last two posts!!
Love it!
Miss you all...