So, I am sitting here goofing around on Facebook, checkin out the friend blog scene and it's just amazing to me how fast time goes by. I found a couple of old friends on Facebook and checked out their blogs and just have to say that BLOGGING ROCKS!!!! What a fabulous way to catch up with people and not have to pick up a phone. In the not too distant future, we will rely on phones less and less. That is my prediction! Write it down somewhere and save it cuz it's going to be a famous quote. Oh and just for the record, 50 billion pictures is kind of an exageration. I know I'm affectionately known as the "crazy camera lady" in certain circles, but really, it was more like 40 billion.
Random Thought: Cody Teare, if you ever read my blog, I just want to say that your wife has awesome taste in literature, music, movies, and shopping destinations. I don't know her, but I love her.
Here is a little funny story about the birds to your left. I am finding that there are some really smart people that live down here in Texas. While we were at the zoo on Labor Day, we approached these two macaws and a couple of ladies were talking about them as we walked up. Imagine this conversation taking place in very southern accents-it will be funnier-think Jeff Foxworthy but chics:
Chic1: "Ahh, Chic 2, them birds are sure pretty. What kind do ya think they are?"
Chic2: "Well there's a sign right here that says Birds of Peril, so they're Birds of Peril."
Chic1: "I don't think I've ever seen Birds of Peril before, I like em."
Chic2: "Yeah, me too. Kids. These here are Birds of Peril. Let's go see some more."
At this point Chic 1 and Chic 2 walk away with their 2 smaller chics. John and I are really having a hard time holding it together because all though we have never seen "Birds of Peril", we are pretty sure these aren't them. So we walk up to the sign and it says, "Birds in Peril" and it's the title for the article that follows about rescuing macaws from the rain forests that are being depleted in South America. At that point we bust out laughing. I mean the guy that called the meerkats weasels was funny, but Birds of Peril? That was HILARIOUS. Maybe you had to be there.
This weekend was pretty uneventful. John had a friend in town so he spent the majority of his time on the golf course. I had big shopping plans: Gymboree, Home Goods, Hobby Lobby, then possibly a splurge at Striderite, but realized there is absolutely nothing I need at any of those places right now. Generally that fact would not stop me, but I have done so much post tramatic move stress shopping in the past few weeks that I REALLY don't even know what I would buy. Crazy, I know. Wow. Just rereading that is shocking. John saw "Tropic Thunder" and I'm a little jealous because he said it was fabulous. I will definitely make him see it again with me.
Aidyn's 8th birthday was on Sunday! He is officially the age of accountability. We aren't going to baptize him until November because several family memebers want to come down and join the festivities. His special day was a little anti-climactic because we had already celebrated with his friends before we left KS. But we did find this great restaraunt to eat at not far from the new house called "Life's a Beach". Kinda catchy. They have great food and a super huge area with a massive sand pit for the little kids and a volleyball net for the not so little kids. We loved it!
Oh, here is some good news!!! Not only is my BFF Kerry coming down at the end of September for a whole week, but the season premiere of "Dexter" will take place while she's here so we can totally watch it together!!!! I am super excited. If she could only be here for the "Twilight" opening, life would be perfect (ok, if Olivia and Karina could join her then it would be really extra completely perfect;).
Addy had a really good week at school this week. The sporadic crying seems to be ebbing. Her teacher gives out an award every week based on performance and behavior called "Knight of the Week" (btw their school mascot is the knight). She got the award for this week! I thought it was pretty awesome considering it's the first "Knight of the Week" award given in her class. We celebrated at Bennihana's this evening. Her choice. PF Chang's was booked.
Avery started dance on Friday and loved it. She is completely in her element with tap or ballet shoes on her feet. There was an ear to ear perma-grin on her face the entire 45 minutes. I will post some pics after I take them next week. She also started preschool this week which was almost as exciting as dance. Getting ready for all day kindergarten meant putting her in an all day preschool class to prepare so she does that twice a week. It wears her out of course, but she loves it. My lil' social butterfly.
Aidyn is his normal awesome and attractive self. By the way, there's no charge for that. He encourages Addy to suck it up on a regular basis, plays with his lego minifigs, tells me random Star Wars facts about random Star Wars characters, and is just mom's sweet guy. I always tell him that I can count on him for whatever I need, and it's true.
By the way, if they could somehow start an elementary school program for boys where learning and Star Wars were incorporated, the results would be PHENOMENAL. They could call it, "Jedi Problem Solving", or "Let the Force Read with You", or "Anakin Can Spell, and So Can You", or "Young Padowans Unite" something like that. I should totally invent it....maybe for the Wii.
Anyway, hope y'all r doin good. This is the longest post ever about random stuff, hope you didn't get bored:)
yo, just doing my rounds, funny stuff today on your blog! the texans and the macaw story was classic, reminds me of the american couple on a train in france asking in a loud, booming southern accent, "is this the train to ver-sales?" oh man. anyway, good stuff, miss ya, love and and all that. we'll be down real soon. p.s. tell aidyn to keep giving that awesomeness and attractiveness away for free. it's the right thing to do. ;-)
I loved every one of your random comments! It sounds like you have some big smarty pants living around you. Tell Aidyn Happy Birthday and that Cardon misses him and all of his Star Wars random knowledge--that was pretty inventive. If you do come up with some sort of learning program that involves Star Wars let me know--I will invest!!! I miss you!
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